Carrier Air Conditioning and why it’s the best

Many of us depend on HVAC cooling to get past the heat we experience throughout the summer.  Much of the country has to rely on dependable air conditioning for much longer than just a few months during a summer season.  Many locales have air conditioning running for 8 months or more. With the huge variety of styles, models and companies which a homeowner can select from, it can be difficult to know just which manufacturer to choose.  Just a quick browse on the internet can result in an overwhelming amount of information. Contacting a certified HVAC company with a licensed HVAC contractor can be very beneficial in almost every case.

While there are a number of good HVAC manufacturers, Carrier stands out as one of the best HVAC companies in the marketplace.  Carrier has actually been around since the very beginning of the air cooling industry. In fact, Carrier invented air conditioning. That’s right, 1902 saw the advent of air conditioning when Willis Carrier and a group of engineers designed the first modern air conditioning system. Carrier was at the absolute forefront of revolutionizing our economy, as well as our comfort.  Once Carrier brought air conditioning to the commercial sector, every business from food service to manufacturing was greatly enhanced nearly overnight. Some years later, Carrier was to bring this cooling revolution to the masses. Residential air conditioning, which evolved from those first Carrier cooling designs, would transform the landscape of America very quickly. Many areas of our country were left basically uninhabitable due to the hot climate.  Suddenly, those areas were made not only livable but desirable due to Carrier residential air conditioning. Before too long, there weren’t many homes without some form of air conditioning.

To this day, Carrier remains a primary manufacturer of a stunning array of HVAC system. Carrier supplies HVAC heating and cooling systems on a global platform. The vast majority of American homeowners take air conditioning for granted. When it gets hot, we go to the thermostat and flip on the cool.  It’s so easy that we sometimes forget to do the simple things that help us maintain our HVAC system. Before flipping on the air conditioning for the first time each season, many homeowners have the HVAC service by credentialed heating and cooling companies. This is always recommended no matter what type of HVAC unit a person owns. There are other HVAC chores to keep your eye on as well. The main task being the changing of the air filter. Air flow is the lifeblood of any HVAC system. A dirty air filter restricts the flow of air which then puts an undue extra load on the HVAC unit.  Just changing the air filter and getting regular HVAC maintenance goes a very long way toward lasting HVAC efficiency and longevity.

Carrier manufactures 3 distinct types of air conditioning for residential purposes. Perhaps the most ubiquitous is the Split System Air Conditioner. Most homeowners would refer to this type of air conditioning as a central air unit. A central air is actually split between an inside air handling system and an outside component that rests next to the home. The inside component and the outside component are connected by copper tubing which contains a refrigerant.  The outdoor unit houses the compressor and the condenser coil. They are contained, along with a big fan, inside the cabinet resting on a concrete slab outside near the house. The inside unit which can be referred to as the “cold side” will include a fan coil, an evaporator coil and the air handler. Most of us can recognize where the air handler unit is in our house. And the compressor and condenser are also easy to locate.

The central air system has been around quite a while because it has proved to be a most effective system for cooling the home. The next type of air conditioner from Carrier would be a Packaged Air Conditioner.  One could also call this a central air system although, it is different in one fundamental way. The packaged air system is actually contained within one unit. While it contains all of the components of a traditional Split System, they are all housed in one box. This type of air conditioning is optimal for scenarios where there is very limited space both inside and outside. The packaged air conditioner is also utilized in situations where rooftop air conditioning is necessary or preferred. Finally, Carrier offers another type of air conditioning which has been gaining market share over the last decade. The type of air conditioning I am referring to is the Ductless air conditioner.  The ductless system is just that, it does not require a ductwork system to cool areas within a home.

The ductless air conditioning system was initially designed to cool only the immediate area where it is installed. This type of air conditioner consists of an air handler which is installed high up on an exterior wall of the room or area to be cooled. The air handler is then connected to a small compressor and condenser on the outside of the home. The connection requires only a small hole for the copper tubing to fit through. This type of air conditioner does well in smaller spaces. However, a home could have a series of these ductless units throughout the premises. Using a series of ductless air conditioners allows each section of the home to be independently cooled from the others. Additionally, the ductless air conditioners are extremely efficient and can generate significant savings with regard to energy costs.  Willis Carrier created an air conditioning system with a mechanical process which is based on nature and physics. He wrote the book, so to speak. The basic idea of air conditioning has not changed all that much since it was unveiled in 1902. Yet, Carrier has continued to innovate through technology and design to provide homeowners with best air conditioning systems available. You can count on Carrier to meet the growing air conditioning needs that homeowners encounter now and in the future.

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