Yesterday, my friend and I got up early to go hiking in the mountains.
- It was a gorgeous day for hiking in nature, so we were eager to get started.
We brought our lunch with us so we could have a picnic right in the heart of the forest. As we hiked up the mountain trail, the cool breeze felt refreshing, and the scenery was breathtaking. Four hours later, we arrived at the next village, from where we had to hitchhike back to our apartment. Feeling hungry, we decided to drop by a nice-looking restaurant to eat. However, as soon as I stepped inside, I noticed that the heater was turned on full blast, making the temperature stifling. We were too tired to look for another place, so we sat down and looked at the menu. It was then that I realized how much we rely on HVAC technology for our comfort. And what about the environmental impact caused by the overuse of cooling and heating systems? Some new measures have been imposed on commercial building owners to ban them from setting the air conditioner or heater past a certain temperature, but this has obviously been overlooked by the owner of this particular restaurant. I understand that quality HVAC equipment, like ductless mini split systems and zone HVAC systems, can make all the difference in regulating the temperature in our homes, businesses and restaurants. But I think it’s better to use this technology moderately, not just for our own comfort, but also for the environment. Anyway, I couldn’t wait to finish my meal and get back home to my customized HVAC system.